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Love Compatibility Report


Love Compatibility Report:


Taurus & Aquarius are two signs that you would not expect to be attracted to one another. Taurus, for example, takes a more conventional approach to partnerships. They prefer to be wined and fed the old-fashioned way, prefer to take things slowly, and are most at ease when they adhere to a schedule. On the other extreme, Aquarius is a one-of-a-kind and out-of-the-box water carrier. They're creative, enjoy challenging limits, and become bored very quickly when relationships get too routine. Notwithstanding their contrasts, the bull and the water carrier are a good match for each other. The zodiac combination of Taurus and Aquarius will reveal everything that you need to know about just this fixed element couple.

In general, earth and air sign combinations aren't usually ideal. Earth signs prefer to be around water signs, while air signs prefer to be around fire signs. Taurus and Aquarius, on the other hand, reflect opposing components and aspects of the horoscope in a way that compliments each other.

Taurus, for example, is governed by Venus, a "feminine" element that adds enjoyment, fun, and love into the partnership. On the other hand, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the sign of turmoil, unexpected change, and revolutions, which is more "masculine." Taurus will fill the connection with feelings of love, while Aquarius will keep things running ahead.

Taurus is a sensuous sign that loves to be captivated and romantically involved. They desire to be stroked and kissed, as well as to explore their partner's body. They are also concerned about the environment. It can be a turnoff if the lighting or music aren't up to par. Aquarius, as an air sign, is less in tune with the physical world. They are in the spirit for a fascinating conversation that finally leads to seduction and dirty talk. They also enjoy trying new things.

Taurus and Aquarius will need to speak in the bedroom in order to comprehend each other's partner's wants. Both signs are regarded to have remarkable stamina if they can and be on the same page.








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Positive Aspects

The Taurean's consistent and resilient demeanor aids in the resolution of their Aquarius partner's confusion. The captivating ideas and thoughts of an Aquarius, on the other hand, entice the bull and weave a net of mutual appreciation around them. Both Taurus and Aquarius are stable signs. Therefore, they will be devoted to each other and their relationship. When the Taurean maintains honesty in both word and behavior, while the Aquarian overcomes the impulse to keep everything hidden and seeks to open up more, trust will be relatively easy to create. Both sides desire to avoid unnecessary complications and strive to resolve any issue as soon as possible before it becomes out of hand for them.