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Love Compatibility Report

Love Compatibility Report:


Extremes don't draw, and the Sagittarius and Capricorn zodiac signs are no exception. For one thing, the flaming archer is carefree, spontaneous, and loves to go with the flow, whereas the earthen goat is sensible, career-oriented, and follows a rigorous routine. That doesn't rule out the possibility of this relationship working out. The zodiac compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn tells you everything you need to know about just this Fire and Earth sign couple.

These next-door neighbors don't have anything in common on the zodiac wheel. Capricorn is reserved and cautious, but Sagittarius is a free-spirited risk-taker.

Sagittarius and Capricorn may not feel an instant attraction to each other when they first fulfill. The archer maybe a touch too loud or young for Capricorn, while the goat perhaps a little of a union in the mud for Sagittarius. However, once they get to know each other and discover some mutual interests, there's a chance that sparks will fly. As an action-oriented Fire sign, Sagittarius would most likely take the initiative.

Sagittarius may advise something outrageous, like a weekend poker trip to Reno. Capricorn would obediently comply, then spend their evenings at the blackjack table counting their money as Sagittarius blows it all. That's how unlike these two are.

Sexually, they aren't the best of friends. This is a pair that could be classified as odd bedfellows. Sagittarius maybe a little too much for them, even though they can have some fun together. Sagittarius perhaps a little too vulgar and aggressive for Capricorn's discerning taste. Capricorn prefers the languid dance of seduction to the fast-paced feelings that Sagittarius likes.







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Positive Aspects

The Sagittarius zodiac sign is noted for its positive attitude and vitality, relaxing the Capricorn mind. The latter is constantly pushing themself to the limit, hardworking continuously and subjecting themselves through ordeals to accomplish every job available. The love and comfort given by Sagittarius can so let the goat chill a bit and want it to come to life with a little less energy.

The Sagittarian's exuberant energy may be subjected into something valuable under the careful eye of their Capricorn Partner. The archer will be held down by the goat, who will educate him the value of persistence in life.